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Food Hall
  • MO
  • , 2018-2019
11 580 m²

The FoodHall is a contemporary form of a year-round multifunctional public space in one of Moscow’s residential neighbourhoods. The project combines numerous services necessary for a comfortable life of a modern citizen: a gym, various household services, a food market, and a new type of a food court — one with mini-kitchens designed for clean eating.

The main inner space of the FoodHall is high and spacious. Due to the glass lanterns arranged on the roof, natural light can easily access the main interior space of the FoodHall. In the interior, there are split-level constructions — this enables the separation of the market area on the lower level from the upstairs quiet sitting area with tables on light terraces. The materials used for the project are of high quality but also cost-effective, and the objects are meticulously designed.

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